Monday, April 28, 2008

a bible and a gun

During my time in New Orleans, Rudy told me a story of the lowest time he had. It was at this point that he sat with nothing. He had lost his job and was unable to get enough money from insurance. He felt that he had nothing. So he sat with a Bible in one hand and a gun in the other. The Bible was his last hope and the gun his last choice. He turned the Bible to what he needed most which was a job. As he read through Job he felt that if this man was able to recover from losing everything than I can do it to. He put the gun away and turned to his last hope.

In life we reach these moments. Some people call it their darkest hours. When we reach these moments I pray that you might be able to find hope in the one that came to this earth and conquered death so that the love of Christ might transcend through all. Don't ever give up there is hope. May the peace of God reign in you lives.

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